Thank You: A COVID-19 Response

Finding gratitude during this global crisis

April 2020

We are living in unprecedented times in modern history. It has required a new normal from everyone over the last few weeks as we fight this pandemic together.

ControlTouch has been committed to doing our part to stop the spread of COVID-19. For the first time, our entire team is working remotely. But we are dedicated to remaining very productive, moving projects forward, and we will continue to serve you, our customers.

We understand how crucial it is that we stay safe, and we will continue to follow the guidance of the local government and the CDC. While we have taken measures to flatten the curve, so many others have stepped up to meet this challenge. Now, it’s time to say, “Thanks!”

ControlTouch Team working from home and in the field.

Thank you to everybody on the ControlTouch team. You have all made an amazing effort through these uncertain times. In a day’s notice, we moved to a work from home environment, and the transition has gone smoothly. Every day is a new challenge, and our leadership team is doing a great job of supporting us so we can help keep our commitments to others.

Thank you to all the ControlTouch team members in the field, handling the additional challenges that come with that situation. It’s a testament to your dedication and your professionalism. We are staying on track with our projects even though there have been outside impacts on the schedule. Everyone is finding new ways to communicate and get the job done.

Thank you to our customers and suppliers. You are proactively communicating and staying agile. We are working together and finding ways to work in the field safely and keep projects moving forward. By working together, sharing, and supporting one another, we will get through this successfully. Thank you to everyone for collaborating to optimize for success. We are grateful to work with the best.

Thank you to all those essential workers who work in the industries we serve – airports, parcel delivery hubs, distribution centers, manufacturing operations, and water treatment facilities. Thank you for keeping all of us moving forward during this pandemic.

Lastly, thank you to all the frontline heroes who are so bravely serving to keep us safe, nourished, and healthy. From medical professionals to delivery drivers, we will forever be grateful for your hard work and continued sacrifices. We couldn’t have the lives we have without you.

Thank you!