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General Mitchell International Airport

Milwaukee, WI

  • 4 EDS
  • 20 HMI
  • 4 Ticket


New Checked Baggage Inspection Control System

ControlTouch Systems was commissioned by Daifuku to design and program a new Checked Baggage Inspection System for the General Mitchell International Airport. This twenty-thousand square foot matrix encompasses the baggage handling and sorting equipment for all the airlines in the airport. The ticket counters merge into a mainline that feeds the matric, moving the bags to scanning and sorting points.

The New System in the Airport Features:

  • Four L3 eXaminer 3DX® 6700 ES EDS machines
  • Controls networking architecture utilizing ControlNet and DeviceNet

Other Important Updates

The full turnkey solution provided for the Inbound and Outbound Control Systems incorporated four pairs of warm redundant ControlLogix PLCs as well as twenty Human Machine Interface (HMI) Stations. New hardware and software was also provided for the server-based Sortation Allocation Computer (SAC) and the Maintenance Diagnostic System (MDS). All of these updates improved the safety and performance of the Milwaukee based airport.